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Qiushi Journal | 全球经济治理体系变革处在历史转折

来源:世界经济文汇 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2021-04-13
摘要:全球经济治理体系变革处在历史转折点 Reform of the global governance system has reached a historical turning point 世界百年未有之大变局进入加速演变期,全球性挑战增多,加强全球治理、推进全球经


Reform of the global governance system has reached a historical turning point


Momentous changes in the world of a kind unseen in a century are now unfolding at an accelerated rate. As global challenges mount, strengthening global governance and reforming the global economic governance system have become the underlying trends of our times. The most revolutionary aspect of these changes is the shift from West to East in the global balance of power. Emerging markets and developing countries are rising at the same time. Their share of the world economy and trade has grown by about 20 percentage points since the 1990s, and their share of foreign investment has increased by 18 percentage points. There is a marked trend toward multi-polarity in global governance. The willingness and ability of developing countries to participate in governance has grown continuously, but sustained efforts are needed to promote a more just and equitable governance system.


Current international trade rules are not suited to new changes. Deep-rooted problems in global development are becoming increasingly prominent: global issues are increasing, but solutions have been found wanting; the number of global rules has increased, but international coordination is lacking; the global market is expanding, but regulation and supervision are inadequate. The focus of global governance has shifted. Innovations in international trade and investment are relentless, and “on-border” measures like the opening of markets are being replaced on the global governance agenda by “behind-border” regulations on issues such as subsidies, labor, and the environment. New global governance challenges and issues like cybersecurity, digital sovereignty, and data flows, brought about by the new scientific and technological revolutions, have intensified.

(Excerpts from Understanding the Great Trend of Economic Globalization and Expanding Opening Up on All Fronts by CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce, Qiushi Journal, No. 01, 2021)


文章来源:《世界经济文汇》 网址: http://www.sjjjwhzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2021/0413/743.html


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